Monthly Member Education Sessions

Member Education Sessions take place on the third Tuesday of the month at either 5pm or 6pm PST / 8pm or 9pm EST. All meetings are conducted on Zoom. If you are unable to make it to the meetings, they are recorded and shared on our members and supporters resource pages so that you can view them at your leisure.

Peer Mentoring

We offer a bi-monthly peer mentoring session, where we get together to chat about our work, share our knowledge with our peers, and gather in community. This is helpful for both working Doulas to get support with their work, as well as for prospective Doulas who are getting started.

Novice Doula Orientation

Are you looking to become an End of Life Doula and need some support to get started? We offer semi-annual sessions where we explore what training to take, how to set up your practice and more. If you are a supporting member and would like to join the EOLDAC as a registered member, we will take you through how to apply and ways to build your experience hours requirement.

Please view our upcoming events below, as well as previous events that are available for download in our members-only recording library.

Upcoming Member Education Sessions - Save the Date!


Please join us in a 90-minute online training designed for those who have received their End of Life Doula certification and are ready for a roadmap in navigating the business of entrepreneurship with confidence.

This immersive session is crafted to empower you with the essential skills and insights that are needed to forge a purposeful and successful path in your End of Life Doula practice.

This training will cover the following topics:

  • The importance of defining your mission statement, which serves as the foundation for your business.
  • Legal obligations, certifications, and ethical considerations that you should be aware of to uphold the highest standard of care.
  • The key components to consider for your online presence.
  • Understanding your unique services, strategic pricing, and the art of creating service packages.
  • The nuances of compassionate care, client communication, and time management.

This training is the first in a series and serves as an introduction and starting point. In the coming months, we will delve into each of these important topics in more detail, allowing you to gain a thorough understanding of the key business elements, ethical considerations, and practical strategies necessary to build a sustainable and profitable business.

Who: EOLDAC Members

When: Tuesday, January 23 at 6pm PST / 9pm EST

Where: Virtual Gathering on Zoom. Registration info will be sent by email to members.

Cost: Free

Interested in attending our events but are not a member yet? You can attend our monthly events for as little as $60 per year. Check out more info on membership here.

Previous Events (last 12 months) - Recordings Available

Not a member/supporter yet?

Join the EOLDAC as a member or supporter and have access to our monthly events for as little as $60 per year.